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Car & Truck Cabin Air

Clean Air on The Road

    How does a gas sensor help car-park ventilation systems?

    A gas sensor can be used toreduce fan energy costs by switching off or reducing fan speed when gas levels like CO2/CO are low. With the help of gas sensors, the car-park ventilation system can be based on actual demand. This maintains a comfortable car park environment saving energy at the same time and leaving a good impression on the users.

    What can you do to prevent drowsy driving?

    Numerous studies have shown that high levels of carbon dioxide in your car can actually diminish cognitive abilities, reduce response times, and impair the ability of an individual to make strategic decisions. Drowsiness also accounts for 10%-30% of all automobile accidents yearly and high CO2 levels are known to be the cause.

    While CO2 concentrations may not tell the whole story of air quality in a specific place, it plays a critical role and carbon dioxide sensors can help mitigate drowsiness behind the wheel. For human-occupied spaces like vehicles, CO2 can easily be a deterring factor to poor air quality and by monitoring CO2 levels in your car you can be more cognizant while on the road.

    Read our latest case study on high CO2 levels in automobiles with CO2 sensors.

    "Easy to install, easy to set up, and easy calibration - just what I was looking for."

    - Phillip Farrar
    Water Plant Superintendent

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