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GasLab® Software Update Adds New Sensors, Features

GasLab® Software Update Adds New Sensors, Features - CO2 Meter
The most recent GasLab® Software Release includes new features, capabilities, enhancements, and supports additional sensors and devices providing updated functionality for the product line.

Our free GasLab® Software makes it easy to configure, view, or log data from any of the gas sensors or sensor development kits we offer.

The most recent software release includes new features, capabilities, dashboard enhancements, and supports additional sensors and devices providing updated functionality for the product line.

Even if you do not see your specific sensor model listed below, you should still update to version to take advantage of the improved configurations and stability within the innovative data logging platform.

It is important to note that the continued advancement in the GasLab® software is due to the incredible feedback from our customers that continues to drive the platform and has resulted in numerous discoveries, advancements, and future innovations in both new and existing industries.

Additionally, with GasLab® data logging software customers around the world combined with our smart sensor line of products can seamlessly interface with each other for enhanced communication, calibration, precision, and accurate, real-time analysis. 

How to Update to the GasLab® Software

  1. Verify which version of GasLab you are running. Open GasLab and check the version number in the upper left corner. If it is v2.2.1.1 or higher you must uninstall this version before you install
  2. To uninstall the old version, go to
    Control Panel > Programs and Features > GasLab > (right-click) > Uninstall
  3. Follow this link to download the new v2.3.1.4 software
  4. Navigate to your downloads folder (or wherever you saved the installation file) and double-click to run GasLabSetup.msi
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation. If you have security turned on and see the window below, click "More info", then click the "Run anyway" button. 

Note: If you are using GasLab v2.0.8.14 or older you do not have to uninstall these older versions. However, you should still install the newest version to utilize the upgrades and latest features of the software.

GasLab® Changes

      Advancements towards

      • Improved Speed and Stability
      • Updated Display and Graphing Labels
      • Support for Cubic Particle Matter sensors (Gaslab.com)
      • Removal of obsolete CO2Meter products
      • Improved long-term data logging in multi-sensor applications
      • Updated "Min" feature functionality when reading measurements

      Obsolete CO2Meter Products

      Please note, the Gaslab update has removed several CO2Meter products that are now obsolete devices, however, it is still possible to connect these obsolete devices to the software by accessing the "SERIES/MODEL" feature in the "Sensor Select" Box.

      Below we have highlighted these products for reference (if applicable):

      Previous Versions           V

      AZ-0001                                CM-0003

      AZ-0002                                CM-0016

      AZ-0018                                CM-0017

      CM-0001                              CM-0018

      CM-0002                              CM-0024

      CM-0003                              CM-0025

      CM-0004                              CM-0026

      CM-0005                              CM-0027

      CM-0006                              CM-0039

      CM-0016                              CM-0040

      CM-0017                              CM-0041

      CM-0018                              CM-0042

      Should you need additional support with the Gaslab Software or Documentation, you can reach out to a CO2Meter expert directly at Support@CO2Meter.com or call us at 386-256-4910.

      For more information on GasLab Software & Documentation Downloads or Quick Start Guides for Development Kits

      Visit us:  https://www.co2meter.com/pages/downloads 

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