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CO2 Monitor Used to Study Indoor Air Quality in Africa

CO2 Monitor Used to Study Indoor Air Quality in Africa - CO2 Meter
We interview Paul Knerr, founder of African Water Projects using our CO2 Handheld Meter to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in public buildings.

CO2 Monitor Used to Study Indoor Air Quality in Africa

CO2Meter has continued to focus on not only providing high quality gas detection technologies, but being able to educate others on the importance of CO2 monitoring. As a large advocate for CO2 monitoring and improving indoor air quality, we could not pass up the opportunity to share a recent IAQ study with one of our most popular devices, sent all the way to Africa.

While we tend to think mostly of the effects of poor indoor air quality around us, it is even more so important to think of air quality on a global scale. That is precisely what retired engineer and founder of "African Water Projects", Paul Knerr is doing. Overall he  decided that he wanted to use his expertise in engineering and mission towards making the world a better place - particularly one where individuals can also breathe easier in.

To provide some perspective, more than 3 billion individuals currently depend on solid fuels including biomass. And, in Africa, the negative affects of indoor air pollution, particularly because of this dependence, are of a continued global threat. Furthermore, continued exposure to poor air quality for those individuals in Africa has been linked to many different diseases and ailments; including tuberculosis, perinatal health, chronic respiratory infection, and even death. in 2000, indoor air pollution in Africa was responsible for more than 1.5 million deaths and 2.7 of the global burden of disease.

Improving Indoor Air Quality in Africa

In order to mitigate the negative affects of poor indoor air quality, Paul Knerr is a passionate, retired engineer who currently is creating continued research on keeping indoor environments healthier and free of toxins for the surrounding areas of southern Africa. Additionally, his hope is to create a stronger awareness and interest for the community to also recognize the benefits of indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring in Africa as it can recognize potential COVID-19 transmission in public places. 

The team at CO2Meter, was fortunate to be able to work alongside Paul and interview him on his experience with our Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Handheld Gas Detector that he is using for his research in monitoring indoor air quality (IAQ).

By utilizing Paul's expertise and experience in the field, our team at CO2Meter was able to gain key feedback and understand his take on the importance of monitoring CO2 within the African communities, as well as the steps it takes to ensure awareness to the topic can be present.

Below, we showcase the incredibly insightful interview with Paul at AfricanWaterProjects.org and our CO2Meter team: 

CO2Meter: Paul, Tell us a little bit about your company and how you got started?

Paul: "AWP is not a business, but a private funding group to help Africans build water wells, boreholes, rainwater capture for schools and homes, and earthworks for capturing water. Since Africa was affected by COVID and continually by indoor air pollution, I took an interest in finding a diagnostic tool.."

    CO2Meter: That's fascinating. What do you find as your field specialty areas?

    Paul: "Practical solutions to mechanical problems: finding ways to do things in rural African villages by using local workers and available hardware. Since most Africans have cell phones, sensors are successfully utilized- GPS, bacteria in water sensed, and perhaps COVID-19 avoided.."

    CO2Meter: Tell us about your experience with CO2Meter products (if any) and can you describe your overall experience with the CM-501 specifically?

    portable co2 detector

    Paul: "I use the CM-501 CO2 meter reading in restaurants, stores, and medical offices as a proxy for ventilation in buildings. With a modified Wells-Riley equation, I create a spreadsheet showing Covid-19 probability based on room size, population, ventilation, exposure time, and Covid-19 and mask types. It has served incredibly beneficial."

    CO2Meter: Why did you choose CO2Meter specifically for your research?

    Paul: "It was the first CO2Meter I found on-line, was affordable and really easy to use."

    CO2Meter: What has been the overall experience or conclusion from your study and how has the CM-501 aided in your research?

    Paul: "I carry the CO2 meter into public places to interest people in the importance of good ventilation in buildings to reduce the spread of Covid-19. So far, most hosts welcome the information: high CO2 reading means low ventilation and a greater probability of contracting Covid-19.."

     CO2 and South African Water Project

    CO2Meter: In terms of overall operation, configuration, and ease of use, could you rate the device on a scale of 1-5?

    Paul: "4, I would have given it a 5 except I had difficulty understanding and reading instructions. The meter also shifts into a clicking mode at times, showing CO2 in both CO2 and AMP indicators instead of CO2 and Temperature. This might be my not understanding the instructions. Otherwise, works great!"

    CO2Meter: If customers wanted to learn more about your business, what URL could we provide them with to gain further information?

    Paul: www.africawaterprojects.org

    CO2Meter would like to share a huge thanks to Paul at African Water Projects,  for providing such tremendous insight to the use of CO2 solutions such as the CO2 Handheld Gas Detector and its use for helping provide awareness and mitigation for COVID-19.

    The team at CO2Meter could not be more proud of the relationships we continue to build with individuals across the globe and industry while further providing solutions towards creating a healthier indoor space.

    If you are interested in also learning more on indoor air quality solutions to implement into your own home or office space, email us today at Sales@CO2Meter.com or visit our website.

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