
Oxygen Sensor Used in Nitrogen Generator

Oxygen Sensor Used in Nitrogen Generator

IntoN2 manufactures a line of high pressure, high purity nitrogen generators in their factory located in Minden, Nevada. These nitrogen generators are primarily used for laser cutting and specialized manufacturing, but are used in other industries requiring up to 5 nines (0.99999%) of high-purity nitrogen. Because they generate nitrogen, I was curious when IntoN2 began purchasing our TR250Z 25% oxygen sensors, and decided to give them a call. I spoke with Charlie Winans, a control engineer at IntoN2, and asked why they needed an oxygen sensor in a nitrogen generator? Charlie explained that one of the features IntoN2 has incorporated...

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CO2 Oxygen Sensors on Drone

CO2 Oxygen Sensors on Drone

Reading CO2 and oxygen levels in remote areas can be challenging. That's why we were excited to see CO2Meter’s S8 CO2 sensor and UV Flux oxygen sensor installed on a drone for high-altitude atmospheric testing. The project is the brainchild of RYF Technologies.  Last year, they began testing CO2 sensors to create a handheld CO2 monitor for the Chilean market. A requirement for the new monitor was that it used a built-in barometric sensor to automatically adjust the CO2 level for extreme changes in altitude in the Andes Mountains. The monitor uses a built-in micro pump to quickly change the...

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Beer Fermentation and CO2

Beer Fermentation and CO2

How Does It Work?  The next time you see a beer commercial or drink a cold draft, take the time to appreciate the importance of carbon dioxide in the brewing process. In The Beginning Beer starts out as wort, a mix of water and natural grains. When Brewer’s yeast (a fungi) is added to the mix, it "eats" the starches and sugars in the wort while giving off alcohol and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. It is the infinitely variable combinations of water, grains, yeast, alcohol levels and the amount of carbonation which give each beer its unique color and taste. Fermentation During fermentation, the CO2 given...

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Why Control CO2 Levels at Night in Plant Grow Rooms?

Why Control CO2 Levels at Night in Plant Grow Rooms?

In this article, we outline 5 reasons why you may consider turning off the CO2 supply at night via your CO2 monitor and controller.

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Troubleshooting GasLab® Driver Installation

Troubleshooting GasLab® Driver Installation

If you cannot communicate between your sensor module or CO2 meter and the GasLab® Software on your computer, the problem may be caused by Windows not recognizing the correct drivers needed to create a chain from USB -> FTDI -> UART in order to communicate with the device. The drivers create a virtual COM port. If the device is plugged in before GasLab is installed, the correct drivers will not be found, even if GasLab is installed later. The solution is to uninstall the old (usually incorrect) drivers manually, install GasLab if it is not already installed, then plug your...

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