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Carbon Dioxide Monitoring in Dairy Farms

Carbon Dioxide Monitoring in Dairy Farms - CO2 Meter
CO2Meter interviews one of the largest dairy farms worldwide and discusses their outlook when it comes to carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring in the field.
CO2 Safety Monitoring for Dairy Farms

CO2Meter is proud to partner with some of the most successful companies in the world. From restaurant franchises, cultivation facilities, space centers, and universities to name a few; our devices can be found widespread. However, one of the industries that is common but often not highlighted enough, is dairy farms.

Diary farms play an integral role for many local and global economies. Besides  dairy products being an important part of nutrition in our daily lives, they are also are integral in global trade. From cheeses to yogurt, ice cream and milk, dairy farms supply the foundation for so many goods we enjoy.

CO2Meter had the opportunity to interviewing one of the top ten dairy processors in the world, with products sold in over 25 countries. With such recognition, the company asked that keep their name anonymous but still highlight the importance of their industry and how it depends on carbon dioxide (CO2) safety.

Dairy Farms and Confined Space Safety

All dairy farms have confined spaces that are potentially hazardous for workers. There include both grain and livestock operations. The major risk is areas where their are low oxygen levels or where high levels of dangerous gases are present. These include carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3), and carbon monoxide (CO).

In addition each confined space can hold its own type of dangers. For instance,  a worker in a manure pits could find themselves overcome with hydrogen sulfide, while a worker in a grain silo could be overcome by CO2 or nitrogen dioxide gas.

This is why dairy farmers depend on gas detection monitors. These monitors are designed to alert workers if gas concentrations are higher than normal levels.

In this interview, CO2Meter discusses the staff's overall experience with CO2Meter safety devices.

CO2Meter: Please tell us a little bit about your industry.

Dairy Manager: "Our farm has over 50 years in the business and we distribute a wide variety of dairy products of superior quality. These products range from milks, cheeses, and cream products. Most notably, we are amongst the top producers in the world and are a top manufacturer of dairy spreads."

CO2Meter: When it comes to CO2 gas specifically, what are you trying to solve, mitigate, or analyze?

Dairy Manager: "When dealing with carbon dioxide, we are trying to establish safety for our workers and have a clear idea of what the levels are - specifically in our barns. This enables us to protect the workers and the animals when we are cleaning and feeding." 

CO2Meter: Can you tell us the monitor you purchased? What features were valuable to your operation?

Dairy Manager: "We currently use the CM-501 Gaslab Pro Handheld Carbon Dioxide Detector. It has been very easy to use across the farm and measure the right gas levels across different areas before entry." 

CO2Meter: When purchasing the CM-501, what made you choose CO2Meter over other gas detection devices?

Dairy Manager: "We had heard great things about CO2Meter and knew the devices would be best in class to work within our business."

CO2Meter: After using the CM-501 would you recommend the device to others?

Dairy Manager: "Yes, so far we have promoted others in our field to purchase these. We currently have multiple CO2 monitors displaying in different areas of the farm. So far they have been very useful for us."

CO2Meter: Are your customers or staff more concerned about compliance or safety regarding CO2?

Dairy Manager: "Definitely safety. We work with hundreds of cows daily. The barns contain a lot of carbon dioxide and ammonia so it is often a balancing act. Prior to the CO2 monitor we could not really measure the right amount of carbon dioxide in the barns so it was becoming very dangerous for our staff."

CO2Meter: Has anyone in your company or those around you experienced any unfortunate CO2 exposure incidents?

Dairy Manager: "Nothing major, thankfully."

CO2Meter: What are some of the new trends you see in the dairy farm industry?

Dairy Manager: "We continue to see a real significant growth globally for dairy farms. I believe there will be a tremendous focus within the next five years on digitization, plant-biased products, and sustainable resources."

Add Ammonia Gas Safety to Your Farm

CO2Meter offers several ammonia gas sensing solutions to protect farmers from a potentially dangerous breathing environment, including the Ammonia (NH3) Fixed Gas Detector w/ Remote Sensor (0-100ppm) and the Ammonia (NH3) Combustible Fixed Gas Detector (0-100ppm). Both are fixed to the wall solutions that alert individuals before entering a room of a dangerous breathing environment.  

To learn more about CO2 monitoring and analysis in dairy farms and livestock applications contact a CO2Meter specialist today.

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