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Monitoring CO2 Levels and Energy Efficiency

Monitoring CO2 Levels and Energy Efficiency - CO2 Meter
Discussion of how CO2 sensors are being used to by a startup business to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.

CO2 Energy Efficiency Applications

Over the years, CO2Meter has been able to forge many relationships with  renowned universities, laboratories and researchers; all with the common goal of utilizing CO2 sensor technologies to further their success and study.

One intriguing CO2Meter researcher and customer, is Tim Cooper who uses the CozIR®-A 2,000 ppm CO2 sensor development kit (CM-0187) to measure CO2 levels in hopes of providing greater awareness towards reducing CO2 emissions.

Tim provided integral insight towards his main goal of being able to use his abilities in science and engineering, to do what he can in countering the effect of the 'The Greenhouse Effect".

CO2Meter became quite intrigued with Tim's study, his in-depth perspective in the field, and his prior experience in regards to engineering, science and carbon dioxide awareness.

Tim chose to share his ideas with us and also discussed his perspective on CO2 emissions and the importance of our CO2 sensor in correspondence with his study.

CO2Meter: Tim, could you tell us a little bit about your company or research and what it is that is your main mission?

Tim: "My first company was a TCD campus company called Conservation Engineering Limited. I set it up in the late 1990’s to act as a vehicle for building a portfolio of medium sized combined heat, power and district heating systems. I designed the first of these systems at the request of Temple Bar Properties Ltd., who were embarking on the development of the Temple Bar district in the center of Dublin City. It was a great success, winning the coveted Bremen Initiative Award in 2001 because, in the words of the chairman of the International Jury that made the award, “It had clearly resulted in very significant reduction in CO2 emissions… and thus made a tangible impact in abating greenhouse gases blamed for climate change.”

"The State-owned gas supply company purchased a controlling stake in the business enabling us to expand the operation exponentially. Ironically, the State-owned electricity supply company who saw this as a major threat to their business persuaded government by means of intense lobbying to introduce a law aimed at curtailing these developments at the turn of the century. This was a retrograde move if not a major travesty. I sold my interest in the company and moved on."

"My second company was called Cool Power Limited. I set this up in 2005 to enable me to roll out a portfolio of commercial solar PV installations on buildings belonging to blue-chip and State-owned companies. My intention was that this would be my personal pension fund and that it would generate electricity without producing CO2 and thus play a role in abating the greenhouse effect – which by then was a major concern to me. In the course of setting up Cool Power Limited I obtained the first ever non-state-owned Irish Electricity Generating License. It was granted by the newly set up Commission for Energy Regulation in a form that enabled me to generate electricity nationwide effectively in perpetuity. Two years after this I was made an offer that I couldn’t refuse by an investor who needed an electricity supply license in a hurry."

    CO2Meter: Could you describe how CO2Meter sensing technologies has assisted in your overall research in helping provide measurement solutions or proper monitoring towards your study?

    Tim: "My main mission since I first read about the Greenhouse Effect when I was a student in TCD in 1965, has been to use my scientific and engineering abilities to do what I can to counter this effect. The Green Building Project in Temple Bar and both of the above companies were part of this mission."

    "Today my mission is to try to clear the smokescreen created by so many bogus/ineffective CO2 reduction projects by revealing the reality of what is happening on the ground. I plan to do this by measuring atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the vicinity of all major emitters of CO2 and broadcasting the results as widely as I can and in this way to counter the inertia that I am seeing everywhere in this sector at the moment. I am hoping that CO2Meter sensor technologies will enable me to achieve this goal.

    CO2Meter: In your experience, can you tell us what has been the greatest change in your industry or most important aspect in your research?

    Tim: "The greatest change in my industry has been the painful recent acceptance that man-made CO2 emissions are the major contribution to a potentially devastating change in the climate of planet Earth.

    CO2Meter: Why did you choose CO2Meter as a CO2 sensor provider, and then utilize them for your study?

    Tim: "I found CO2Meter while searching for CO2 sensors on the web. I sent off an initial query using the form provided on the website and this led to an exchange of email correspondence between me and CO2Meter and some initial trials with their CM-0187 sensor."

    CO2Meter: In what ways does your industry use CO2? What is the main importance of Carbon Dioxide in your the field?

    Tim: "In the construction industry in general (design, construction, operation and maintenance) and small to medium sized RE powered electricity generation. CO2 is the most important by product of all of these activities. 

    CO2Meter: Has anyone in your company or those around you experienced any unfortunate CO2 exposure incidents?

    Tim: "Yes. humanity is experiencing unfortunate CO2 related incidents world-wide at the moment. Reducing CO2 emissions is the most critical challenge facing us all.

    CO2Meter: What do the next 3-5 years look like?

    Tim: "I hope there will be frantic activity in the next 3-5 years directed towards the development of practical measures to reduce CO2 emissions. Much of this will be technological, but I suspect technology won't provide all the solutions so major social and behavioral changes will also be required.

    CO2Meter: Overall what were the results from your study and what was the most fascinating aspect that may have been found?

    Tim: "I am at the outset of this study. My first finding was that CO2 meters are very sensitive to air temperature and humidity.

    CO2Meter: Would you recommend as a provider for gas detection devices, why or why not?

    Tim: "So far, I have found the team to be great partners. We are both gaining confidence in each other and learning as we go!."

    For more information visit our website, or email us at or speak to an expert at (877) 678-4259.

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